Shamsi Alumni
Make your voices Loud and clear, Let the whole world hear,
Our school is so rare, Our school is so rare,Let it ring out loud and clear, O SEF you taught us real,
Gave our thought a different appearance, And help drive away all our ignorance
So many years of life left fast. But the memories still in the past,
The care and love we feel here, Sure can’t be felt anywhere,
Let the whole world hear, We proud to be there,
We proud to be there, Books we read, games we played,
Talent were enhanced and portrayed, O shamsi school you gave us the strength to bear,
Shamsians give it all you’ve got, Cause you’ve really got a lot!
Give it heart give it soul, Give it mind, don’t stop,
Let the whole world hear,
Our school is so dear. Our school is so dear!.